I finished The Prometheus Option a couple of weeks ago and have been scrambling to fix the few remaining typos and omissions in the meantime.

I'm happy to say that the book is now final (assuming someone else doesn't find an egregious typo) and is available on the Amazon Kindle store: https://www.amazon.com/Prometheus-Option-Jeff-Kirk-ebook/dp/B01FPOZ5QE

If you're a member of Kindle Unlimited, you can read the book for free!

If you're not, you can purchase it for Kindle for $5.99. Pretty good bargain for this massive, 220,000 word opus. Don't let the size throw you: it's a compelling, fast read.

Some people still like regular old books! I do, too, except when I look at the sagging bookcases in my garage and think about what fun it's going to be when we move again.

The print version is still under review but will be available on Amazon soon as a 6" x 9" x 1.5" trade paperback, 632 pages, matte-finish cover, for $24.95.
